Race Report: CRCA Two Seconds Ahead Women’s Race Clinic, presented by Specialized

It was a cold morning (high 30’s!) for a spring race, but we had a nice sized group show up and get signed in before the sun came up. There was a lot of nervousness at registration, with this being the very first bike race for many in the group, but the mentor racers helped calm nerves and pin numbers on. 

We had a pre-race talk about strategy and safety while the other racing fields completed their first lap. The group then rolled out and stayed neutral until W98th street, where racing commenced quickly. An attack was launched on the west side near tavern by Clara Wang and Marta Kirsis, which separated the field and created the winning break.

The speed was impressive, with the ladies getting coached to work together. The lead group, averaging around 20mph, shed a few racers and ended up with 5, but those separated formed a solid chase group. This first chase group consisted of four riders, who picked up speed through the excellent coaching of one of our mentors. As the break came into the finish, Susanna Panzini launched an impressive attack that she was able to hold through to the line, and Clara Wang and Caitlin Alexander sprinted hard for second and third. 

All riders put in impressive efforts, and all had guidance of the experienced racers. This supportive environment makes the transition from rider to racer a positive one, and with this in mind, the CRCA and the Two Seconds Ahead p/b Specialized Women’s Development Series will hold a second race clinic on Sunday, June 18th, with the possibility of Specialized demo bikes being available. Spread the word to your race-curious friends!