Team Cup Finale Results

The final race of the season was held on Saturday 9/22 with the Team Cup Finale format giving rise to double Team Cup Points in the A, W and B fields.  The competition was realistically only still undecided in the B field.  The relatively short races kept the fields together with potential break away riders being chased down relatively quickly and all ended in field sprints. This is a good time to pause and thank those who helped make our races happen this year: Alex for being our official, Massa for assisting Alex, Paulette for organizing marshal assignments, Sheril for assisting Paulette, Sergio for doing course setup and break down and all our motos (and Stephen Chang for organizing them).  If any one of these people didn't show up an hour before the start of your race, the races wouldn't happen.  Thank you for the top quality job each of you did this year, everyone in the club appreciates it.

In the A field, Zach Koop (Blue Ribbon -Translations) out sprint Dylan Lowe (BH/Comedy Central) in a close finish.  Gavin Robertson (Foundation) finished third.  With that, Foundation official took this year's Team Cup Competition.

In the Women's field, Fabienne Gerard (Eumaues Asset Mgmt - Fuoriclasse) pulled away in the field sprint ahead of Raquel Miller (Houlihan Lokey) and Nanci Modica (Radical Media). Houlihan Lokey won this year's Team Cup Competition.

In the B field, Foundation and Siggi's went into the race separated by a point. Siggi's proved to be the stronger team putting Stefan Singer into position to take the final sprint, followed by Noah Gellner (Sids Bikes NYC) who went close to book-ending the season with wins and in third was Stephen Chang (CycleLifeUSA/GF Capital). Foundation was nowhere to be seen and Siggi's took the Team Cup Competition.

The in C field, another pack finish ensued and David DeSimone showed the field a clean pair of cleats ahead of Armand Wilhelm and Bryan (Philly) Williams (Siggi's/NYVelocity).

Finish line video:

[vimeo 50099659]

Full results are here

Final Team Cup Standings are here

Final Jim Boyd Standings are here