Century Road Club Association

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Introductory Officials Clinic

Introductory Officials Clinic

Members interested in learning more about USA Cycling rules are encouraged to attend an upcoming Introductory Officials Clinic and obtain a level C Road/Track and Mountain Bike Officials License.  With the support of NYSBA, an Introductory Officials Clinic is scheduled for April 18tha and 19th.  There is no charge to attend.


Rulebooks will be provided. Basic instruction in road, track, cyclocross, and mountain biking officiating will be given. There will be an open book test following the clinic. Please bring a check payable to USA Cycling or a credit card to be sent in with the application for an official's license. Please indicate your interest as soon as possible to allow time to acquire class materials.

The clinic will be hosted on 2 days, Monday 4/18 and Tuesday 4/19 from 6pm-9pm each evening at 1633 Broadway (50th & Broadway) New York, NY.


If you would like to attend, please email rodmillott@gmail.com to reserve your place – space is limited.